Friday, October 27, 2006


Just wanted to let everyone know that I did in fact pass the Georgia Bar Exam. Results were posted online today, and I am an official lawyer (well, I have to be sworn in, but I am a lot closer to being an official lawyer now). What a relief!!!! Thanks for all the prayers!


Thursday, October 26, 2006

Lock Out Video

Here is our most recent event with a 150 student staying up ALL NIGHT LONG! Enjoy.

Monday, October 23, 2006

First Two Catalyst Speakers & Thoughts

Andy Stanley: Andy is a pastor of a small church in Atlanta called North Point (not really- it his huge). Andy is very talented communicator who brought the junk with his talk at Catalyst. He spoke on Daniel 4 and this statement repeated again and again - "...the Most High is sovereign over the kingdoms of men and gives them to anyone he wishes."

Main Points:
*Leadership is temporary. At the end of the day God is the only thing left standing.
* Christian leaders ought to reek with humility
* God is sovereign!

Marcus Buckingham: Marcus is a very successful business man, author, consultant, and speaker. His latest book "The One Thing You Need to Know" focuses on the idea not to work on making your weaknesses better, but strengthening your strengths! Crazy idea. But this goes against our whole society. Society says we must be "well rounded". We live in a society that is remedial in everything we do. Why? Because we focus on being "well rounded".
Three Myths:
Myth #1
As you grow your personality changes--66% believe that. Not true. As you grow you become more and more of who you really are! "We're all a wee bit insecure about some part of our personality."
"Therapy is the price you pay for helping your kids know they are wrong."
"You show me a good loser and I'll show you a loser."
Myth #2
You'll grow the most by working on your weaknesses. We focus on our weak subjects in school. You can't ignore the "D." But that isn't where you'll grow. Weaknesses are areas of least opportunity. Study what your bad at and you get not bad!
Myth #3
What the team needs is for you chip in and do whatever is needed by the team. What the team needs the most if for you to identify your strengths and volunteer to use them. What the team needs isn't a vague willingness to do whatever it takes. Take a stand for your strengths!
*Don't be well-rounded.
Personally this was one of my favorite speakers. This is an area I personally needed to grow. I am good at a lot of things, great at none. This is definitely important in the church. The body of Christ is made up of so many parts and talents. We need people to discover their passions and gifts, and run at the world not well rounded - GREAT at what God has blessed them with...strengths!

Random Thoughts

  • The purple Clemson jerseys looked sweet. Yes I know that everyone doesn't love them, but hey we played awesome and brought back an old Clemson tradition. If we would of lost, I can't say I would like them as well.
  • The Tigers will win the World Series against the Cardinals in six games - Steve (pastor) will remind me if I am wrong.
  • Lock Outs are like Crack for students. They are Jonesin for another before the last one is done!
  • Question from a Catalyst Podcast: "If your church was taken out of your community, who would miss it other than your people. Would the community plea for the church to say? Is your church making such an impact on your local community it would be truly missed? " Rob Bell - something to ponder on.
  • Apparently babies don't have gills in the womb. They do have "gill slits" but they are not used as gills. Who knew?
  • Betsy finds out if she passes the Bar this Friday at 4:30pm. This will either be a REALLY good day, or REALLY bad day. Pretty sure it will be a Good Day.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Clemson vs Georgia Tech

Clemson on GameDay!
Clemson defeats Georgia Tech 31 - 7!

Walty likey!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

More on Facing the Giants

"Facing the Giants" was on the Today Show this morning. Very cool story. I learned a few things:

  • Alex Kendrick - Director and Head Football Coach is the associate pastor at Sherwood Baptist
  • The movie was made on $100,000 - taken up in donations! Remember it has made $4 million to date.
  • They created another movie "Flywheel" a couple years ago. Didn't do so hot.
  • Not on Today Show: found out that the assistant coach I liked JT Hawkins who is played by Chris Willis - works for Frito Lays in Albany and has seven kids and teaches Sunday school at Sherwood. He needs to get into movies!

This week at TrueNorth we are starting a new series called "Facing the Giants." (yes based on the movie) We are pumped about this series. There are so many people who face giants in their lives and feel like there is no way to defeat them. But God says different. And we are getting to do a lot of football stuff. Not giving anything away - but look for the GameDay crew set up for Sunday Morning!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Facing the Giants

Betsy and I went to see "Facing the Giants" with our journey team this past Sunday. If you haven't heard "Facing the Giants" is a movie written and directed by two brothers at Sherwood Baptist Church in Albany, Georgia (I think).
The story of how it got to the big screen is great. Long story short - the brothers sent the movie to Third Day to see if they could get permission to use a song. Third Day thought it was so good, they sent it to Sony Pictures - and they picked it up. Right now it has made over $4 million in 3 weeks. Compared to "The Grudge 2" who made $20 million in its first week. BUT Giants is only showing in 400 theaters and has made over $11,000 per theater, and the Grudge only made $6,000 per theater. Way to go....when you combine God and Football in the south, you are going to win!
Overall a good movie - good story - predicable ending - some very bad acting. My understanding is that everyone was a part of their church or town, no high paid actors. VERY emotional! It moves you. The death crawl scene is one of the most powerful scenes I have seen in a long time. Sad to say, but will be label "Christian movie" - meaning it wasn't up to par to the rest of the hollywood. BUT the black assistant coach HILARIOUS! Someone should hire him! "I'm assistant coach. I at least should of gotten a moped!"
Rumor has it that Arkansas went to see this movie the night before the Auburn game - and beat the Auburn giants the next day. TrueNorth has decided to pay for the entire North Augusta High, North Augusta Middle, and Paul Knox Middle football teams to go see the movie! Hey if one kid gets it and sees that Christ is Lord-its a win!
Learn more and see the trailer at:
Ian - I doubt that Boston theaters will be showing this one!

Dental School

Apparently everyone should have their wisdom teeth taken out by an oral surgeon student at their local medical school. Everyone is SO AMAZED at my rebound time from the surgery. And that I trusted a student to do it. Hey when you got connections and no dental do what you gotta do!

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Walter's Wisdom Gone

After only one day of losing my wisdom teeth, I am back to 97%. One tooth was a bear to get out, but other than a little soreness in that "hole" I am back to normal (which in not normal at all). Apparently this is not normal. Everyone said I will be out for the entire weekend. Walter's back baby!

This X-ray is not mine, but similar. My two bottom teeth were impacted. The top two were fine - but they had to go!

I must now regain my 27 years of wisdom I lost....they won't take too long!

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Patience Umazi

This is Patience Umazi. She is 7 years old and lives in Kenya. She is our Compassion child. While at Big Stuf I called Betsy and told her that God had really put Compassion on my heart and thought we should adopt a child. She said yes. Now the mission began. As I went to look at the over 50 children they had who were is need, I could not bring myself to chose JUST ONE! So I turn around, threw a pen over my should and said a prayer that the God would give us the child he had picked out. And Patience was the child I took home that day.

If you don't know, Compassion is Christian ministry that finds children in need all over the world and set them up to be adopted by someone who would pay for their schooling, clothes, food, etc. It is a great ministry that I had heard about many times over the past ten years. I continue to say later, later, later....well later is now.

We are so excited to helping Patience out. Betsy and I have already written her a letter, and she wrote us back with a picture drawn for us. Her birthday is in a couple of days, and we have a special letter and gift for her. I am thankful that God has blessed Betsy and I so that we can help those in need. One person at a time.

Past Week and Random Thoughts

Tonight is Sunday - and I am chillin' like a villin'. It has been a productive day. Church starting at 7am, watching NFL, Bowden and I ran, clean the car, surfed on MySpace talking with students, getting ready for Lock Out....And now finally posting!

The past several weeks have been super busy for both Betsy and I. We have just finished a back to back weekends of weddings in Gvegas (Greenville). And almost every night Betsy or I have been out doing things. This past week the TrueNorth staff headed to ATL to a leadership and creative conference called Catalyst. It was stinkin' amazin'. I will fill everyone in on that trip in later post. And I have just come out of a SICKNESS and now Betsy is in the middle of the SICKNESS. Fun Times. That is the 411 on us - now Random Thoughts.

  • Weddings during College Football season should be outlawed. Seriously even if you aren't a football fan - respect those of us who are.
  • Yankees Lose...Yankees Lose....Yankees Lose!!!!
  • Six Years ago I bought a Detroit Tiger hat because one of my heroes wore a Tigers hat - Magnum P.I - yes he lived in Hawaii and drove a Ferrari. And now I will wear it with pride now that they have slaughtered the New York Yankees.
  • "My Hero" by the Foo Fighters can push you to finish any race strong. Today on our run - Bowden and I were 200 yards from finishing our 3.6 run - and dying! (two weeks off from sickness). Foo Fighters comes on the IPOD and I imaged the GreenWay lined with peeps singing My Hero - finished SPRINTING!!! And magnum PI was waiting at the end!
  • A new Era in Clemson Football has arrived! We beat Wake Forest. 24 Points in the 4th quarter are you kidding me.
  • Studio 60 (NBC) one of the best new shows on TV.
  • I am getting my wisdom teeth out Friday - Why do they call them wisdom teeth? Laura O, does Alan know the answer to this riddle?
  • Jeff Foxworthy (who was at the Catalyst conference) will make you pee in your pants.
  • Terrell Owens is the worst player on my fantasy Team! "Can you step into my office- you're fired."

Stayed for more post! Soon...Like in 5 minutes.