Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Thoughts on D Day: June 6, 1944

Today, 6.06.06 , is not the end of the world as some would have you to believe. It is the anniversary of one of the most important days in WW II - D day. In honor of that, I and a select few spread out across SC watch "Saving Private Ryan" every year. The WW II vets who saw "Ryan" said that it couldn't have been more accurate unless you had a camera on Omaha Beach.

We often forget that freedom comes with a price. Freedom as a nation and freedom from sin.

Paul reminds us, "For you were bought at a price..." 1 Cor 6:20a
The price Paul talks of was death on a cross, and the freedom from sin was our reward. May we always honor Sacrifice for freedom is never free.

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