Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Cultural Relevant

Ian Wilson has a great article on being "Culturally Relevant." Here is a clip from it:

"Knowing pop-culture is not relevant.
Wearing "random t-shirts" is not relevant.
Smoking cigs and throwing back brewskies is not relevant.
Swearing now and then is not relevant.
Even listening to U2 is not relevant."

We at TrueNorth consider our church to be one that tries to be Culturally Relevant. But I agree with Ian in that being Culturally Relevant isn't about a look or music we listen to but a way that you look at your life. The Church for the past several decades has created a Christian sub culture to protect ourselves from the evil "secular" world. This isn't what we see Christ do, he criticizes the church of His day for separation of those who were lost. To me being Culturally Relevant is about looking at the culture we live in and sharing Christ's love, not creating a holy huddle.
Way to go Ian...that seminary degree looks to be making you a regular Christian theologian. But I do wear "random t-shirts".

1 comment:

Paulo J said...

makes me stop and think about how i am different from the world. how am i being in the world, but not of it in order to show Christ's influence in my life? great post! sorry i'll miss your msg on sunday, but i'll be on a mission trip in honduras. i'm sure you'll rock the house!