Saturday, July 01, 2006

Post Go Camp Post

This past week we took 24 students to Columbia, SC for our first mission trip. The camp was called "Go Camp". The idea for the camp came from Dustin Willis, Chris Barrieau and myself less than a year ago. Dustin is the pastor of Midtown Fellowship in Columbia - who sponsored the camp. Midtown set up all the sites the students worked at during the week. Dustin and the Midtown Crew did an amazing job of setting up this camp up. The Chris Brown Band lead in worship and ROCKED the house!

You see this wasn't a trip where you go work in the day and chill in the evening. Our students (and others from three other churches: trinity United Methodist, Hampton Height Baptist, and First Baptist Gray - 60 in all) worked in the morning and afternoon. Came back and had free time - then amazing worship and teaching and tons of fun during the nights!

This was a great trip for our students at TrueNorth Church. Many had no idea what to expect, and came anyway. I truly believe our students have started understanding it is not just about them. Dustin did a great job during our teaching time to explain sacrifice, service, and obedience. Our students lives were changed. They are ready to go into our community and put into practice what they have learned. Now it is my job to continue that passion and excitement for mission and service in North Augusta/Augusta. It is awesome to see the lights come on with students understanding: less of me and more of You.

Visit the Go Camp MySpace at

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